Pianist Monty Alexander did some of his finest recordings for the German MPS label with this one maybe being his best. This live trio set recorded at the Montreux Jazz Festival in June 1976 with bassist John Clayton and drummer Jeff Hamilton, features Alexander playing his usual repertoire of the period with blues, standards ("Satin Doll," "Work Song" and "Battle Hymn of the Republic") and even a version of schmaltzy "Feelings", so in vogue at the time, that uplifts the song quite a bit. The trio's soulful approach and extended improvisations to the generally familiar melodies make them sound fresh and swinging like mad. Bill Evans at the Village Vanguard it might not be, but it sure is one of the swinginest live piano trio recordings in all of jazz for my money, if the enthusiastic audience response is any measure.
this video is Night Mist Blues from the very same recording.
I'd be happy to comment on this great post Delta Mike. Catching up with this album is like seeing an old friend after many years. We had this one in the house growing up years ago, but it's been ages since I've had a chance to hear it. Thanks for the share!
Ενδιαφέρων, αλλά -βρίσκω- εγκεφαλικός...
Υ.Γ. Σε αντίθεση με τον Benny Hill που ξετρύπωσες. :))
Χαίρομαι που δε ξαναβλέπω!!!
Αν κατάλαβα καλά μόνο τα βιντεάκια βλέπεις έτσι??
Βλέπεις το αφεντικό προχώρησε σε νέους κώδικες και σέρβερ.
Όταν δεν βαριέσαι πες μου για οδηγίες.
johnv, you're welcome!
καλώς την Αθανασία!
δεν θα έλεγα ακριβώς εγκεφαλικός, ο Μόντυ είναι η χαρά του παιδιού, βέβαια αν τον συγκρίνεις με τον μπένυ όπως είπες, οκ, πάσο!
gnik, όλα οκ?
Το μόνο πρόβλημα είναι πότε θα τα ¨μελετήσω¨ όλα αυτά που έχω κατεβάσει.
Thanks delta mike! Found my way here through the Magic Purple Sunshine blog.
Great set, Monty was a crowd pleaser and that facet didn't always come through in his studio recordings like it does here. Nice share!
Monty Alexander - Montreux
Thanks for the share - haven't heard this one in years. Really like his work.
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