Third and final post dedicated to the late great Freddie Hubbard. Forget his jazz - funk extravaganzas of the 70s; this time it's as straight-ahead as can be in the mold this great 1985 performance for Blue Note records 50th anniversary below playing Herbie Hancock's Cantaloupe Island (from Herbie's Empyrean Isles of 1964, an LP Hubbard originally appeared - and excelled - in) amply demonstrates.
If you want it, I've uploaded a Ben Sidran interview with Freddie Hubbard (conversation & music).
make that:
Thanks Peskypesky, all contributions are welcome.
a wonderful vid, both visually and musically..5 icons of jazz at the top of their game..especially freddie!
A few albums down I mentioned Freddie Hubbard cursing and screaming at the audience. Finally found a link to the album<"Graz Austria"-Sonny Rollins from 1966. Scroll down this excellent blog a ways and you'll find it
Read it. We have to take into account though that this did not evolve into a pattern by any means as it was never repeated and, at any rate, to judge a musician of Hubbard's stature just on the merit of an unfortunate incident seems to me more than unfair. Let's just remember Freddie Hubbard for the beautiful music he gave us.
I'm not judging him on this incident. There's probably a lot more behind it than a drunken fit. As someone who owns a lot of his albums I can say that's where my real interest lies. I've been lucky enough to talk with a lot of Jazz musicians from the 30's on up. The stories of what they went through for no reason is infuriating.
You're absolutely right, I misunderstood. I thought you were nitpicking at first, but you were referring to the issue of racism and all the angst these guys accumulated in the process of trying to be someone, let alone be recognized as musicians equal to their white counterparts. Sad indeed.
now that's entertainment!
I would like to have a "Freddie Hubbard - All Blues"!!! Who could share it?!!!
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